
Research profile:

   -  Politology of religion

   -  German Studies

   -  National and ethnic minorities

   -  Local government in Poland

Politology of religion

In the most popular and commonly used interpretation - initially formulated by religiologists, and with time and by political scientists - the politology of religion is considered to be the whole of research taking into account all possible combinations of phenomena specific to the worlds of religion and politics, based on the marriage of methods of many disciplines of science, in particular: the sciences of politics, religiology, theology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, cultural studies, history, law, economics and geography. In this sense, the specific findings of these disciplines will be an inherent part of the political science of religion, and it in turn - in the opposite direction - aspires to the role of their sub-discipline (political science, religiology) or auxiliary science (other disciplines).

In the sense proper to social sciences, the politology of religion is defined as a sub-discipline of the political science, the essence of which is the political analysis of the phenomenon of religion - both in its full dimension and in relation to any of its components, i.e. doctrine, worship, religious organization. In such a case, the basic assumption is to see religion as a political phenomenon - analogously to the assumptions of the sociology of religion, which sees religion as a social phenomenon. Or even differently: If the sociology of religion is a sub-discipline of general sociology and deals with doctrinal, cult and institutionalized religion in their social contexts, then the politology of religion is a sub-discipline of the political science and deals with doctrinal, cult and institutionalized religion in their political contexts.

Another exegesis regarding the position of the political science of religion among the sub-disciplines of the political science - again by analogy with the position of the sociology of religion within general sociology - assumes that its content includes issues of the permeability or interplay of religious phenomena and political phenomena (in the sociology of religion: social phenomena), but the obligatory starting point for research is the assumptions of political science with reference to methods and achievements of other scientific disciplines.

The politics of religion in the narrower sense is in turn political research on religion based on the paradigm of the function of the political factor in religion.

[More: Ryszard Michalak, History of politology of religion in Poland. A research overview, "Politics and Religion Journal" Vol 14, No. 2 (2020); Ryszard Michalak, Political science of religion, in: The Dictionary of Political Knowledge, ed. by Joanna Marszałek-Kawa, Danuta Plecka, Toruń 2019]

German Studies

They include, among other topics, the political history of the GDR and West Germany, the activities of the secret services of both countries, the political biography of the Federal Republic, the history of German Protestantism, contemporary relations, and an analysis of the German party system. They also focus on the analysis of contemporary Germany, covering political, social and cultural aspects. In addition, the research conducted is aimed at deepening knowledge of Germany's foreign and domestic relations and understanding the dynamics of Polish-German relations.

National and ethnic minorities

National policy also referred to as minority, ethnic policy or ethnopolitics is the scope of actions taken by central and regional state institutions, as well as local governments in relation to national and ethnic minorities. At the same time, these actions determine interethnic relations. It is one of the general policy areas of the state, and is implemented by specialized bodies and institutions. The state by granting them specific powers and funds for their implementation, and by counteracting discrimination is the creator of national policy. It aims at the implementation of specific assumptions and concepts adopted by the state and implemented in relation to the population different from that which dominates in it: self-awareness of a separate origin, its own name, culture, including mostly the language, and often religion (often national and religious policies interact, permeate and determine each other). It regulates all areas of collective life of this population through normative acts and bodies au­thorized to make decisions concerning them. In undemocratic systems, the aim of national policy is to achieve full control and subordination of the existing national and ethnic minorities and the institutions and associations created by them. In most cases, it is aimed at their rapid assimilation. In democratic countries, its aim is both to define the as­sumptions, principles and organizational structures (while planning and determining the strategy of action) and to meet specific needs (political, socio-cultural, educational) of national and ethnic minorities.

[Stefan Dudra, National policy, in: The Dictionary of Political Knowledge, ed. by Joanna Marszałek-Kawa, Danuta Plecka, Toruń 2019]

Local government in Poland

Research on local government in Poland focuses on the structure, functioning and development of local administrative units. Issues related to the decentralization of power, civic participation and the effectiveness of local governance are analyzed.

Through this research, the Institute contributes to a better understanding of key aspects of politics and administration, both in the national and international context.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18